
Artisan Sourdough Bread

I'm so grateful to begin sharing my love for baking sourdough with the Vero Beach community. Sourdough is a labor of love. It is a two-day process of mixing, stretching, folding, and fermentation that results in easier-to-digest delicious bread. Sourdough is unique in that it is yeasted with wild yeast, called a sourdough starter, instead of commercial yeast. Sourdough starter is made only using flour and water. Commercial yeast has made baking quick and convenient, which in turn makes bread and baked goods harder for our bodies to digest. Sourdough bread making returns us to our roots, when things were slower (and healthier). It's a common misconception that sourdough bread actually tastes sour. While you can achieve more sour sourdough bread, sourdough is more of a method or style of bread making that involves a sourdough starter, and a long fermentation process.


I use only organic flour, sea salt, filtered water, and organic maple syrup (which adds a bit of softness) to make my sourdough loaves. Bread need only be 3 ingredients: flour, water, and salt. Store-bought bread is filled with preservatives, additives, and is made with flour that lacks nutrients.

If you're interested in which types of organic flour I use, it's typically a combination of 2 or more of those listed below:

  • bread flour
  • dark rye
  • einkorn, the only wheat that's never been hybridized
  • whole wheat
  • spelt

*Every effort is made to use as little plastic as possible in the bread making process. My sourdough starter is kept in a glass jar, and bread dough is mixed in either ceramic or stainless steel containers, not plastic tubs as commonly used in bakeries.

Where can I find your bread?

I'm currently only selling my bread in small quantities at a local organic farm. If you are interested, please reach out to the email below.

If you have any questions or feedback, please send us an email at bread@evergreencurated.com or fill out the form below. I look forward to hearing from you!


How should I store your bread?

There are no preservatives in this bread, so it may not last as long as store-bought bread. Keep it in a paper bag, cloth bag, bread box, toaster, wrapped kitchen towel, or ziplock bag. I've also had success with cutting my loaves and leaving them cut-side down on a cutting board covered in a kitchen towel which locks in a decent amount of moisture.

If you aren't planning on eating the entire loaf, you can also cut it in half or in slices and store in the freezer. Just reheat whenever you've got the itch for good bread. :)

And if you think a slice is too far gone, you'd be amazed at what spraying with a bit of water and reheating will do to give it a second life!

What can I do with the bread once it gets stale?

Don't throw it out! If you didn't eat your bread as quickly as you wanted (happens to the best of us. I've got rock-hard pieces of bread on my cutting board as I write this), you can put the pieces in a high power blender and make your own homemade healthy breadcrumbs! We store ours in the freezer to use whenever we need them.

Can I freeze the entire loaf?

Yes you definitely can! When you're ready to reheat, try running it under water (yes! the whole loaf under water!) then baking at 350 for about 20-25 minutes.

What type of ingredients do you use?

I use only organic flour, sea salt, filtered water, and organic maple syrup (which keeps it softer slightly longer).

How can I contact you?

Email me at bread@evergreencurated.com and I'll get back to you as quick as I can!

  • organic homemade sourdough vero beach, fl microbakery

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