Conscious Consumerism: Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

Conscious Consumerism: Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

As consumers, we have a lot of power. Every time we buy something, we're voting with our dollars, and those votes can have a big impact on the world around us. You may or may not have heard the "conscious consumerism" buzzword - but it simply means shopping your values or ethics. It can also mean choosing to shop less and only buying things you need. We think conscious consumerism is important because by choosing products that align with our values, we can create a better future for ourselves and for our environment.

Conscious consumerism starts with - you guessed it - being more conscious about what you're buying, AKA being more mindful and thinking a little bit longer before purchasing. It's about being aware of the impact of our purchases and making choices that reflect our values. Simply reading ingredients or the label is an example of being more conscious when you shop. Conscious consumerism can mean doing some research. If you don't know where to begin, these questions can get you started:

Who owns this brand? Do I support their business practices? Do they care about the environment? Where do they manufacture? Do they ethically and sustainably source or manufacture their goods? Do I like their return policy? Do they align with my beliefs? My political values?

At Evergreen Curated, conscious consumerism is at the forefront of everything we do. We started our brand with the goal of providing you with products that are better for our bodies, better for the planet, and better for our communities. And we've been inspired by the growing movement of conscious consumers who are making similar choices. Buying non-alcoholic products, mocktails, and zero proof drinks, is an example of conscious consumerism - maybe not drinking alcohol is a religious belief, or you're just trying to make healthier choices, but what are some others examples?

Examples of Conscious Consumerism

  • Shopping sustainable materials: One of the biggest environmental impacts of consumerism is the waste generated by the products we buy. Look for products made from sustainable materials that can be recycled or composted at the end of their life. Buy more glass instead of single-use plastic. Or, choose to buy less things altogether. Shop with reusable bags. Limit single-use items like ziplock bags.
  • Choosing products made with ethical labor practices: Many products are made under exploitative labor conditions. Look for products that are made with fair labor practices and that support workers' rights. While it's impossible to know if these positive labor practices are actually in effect without visiting the site yourself, at least the company's claim is a step in the right direction.
  • Supporting local businesses: Buying local is a great way to support your community and reduce the environmental impact of shipping products long distances. We love shopping our local farmers market for fresh produce and supporting our local farmers. Plus, we find the food stays fresh longer!
  • Buying organic, fair trade: Pay attention to ingredient labels, and even the fabric of clothing you buy. Also keep in mind that some smaller companies (like your local farmer) may use organic farming practices, but may not pay for the USDA organic certification. Talk to them! Ask them if they use pesticides, or how they treat employees.
  • Boycotting fast fashion brands: Yep, like Forever21 and Shein. These companies capitalize on providing a constant pace of cheaper clothing with the intent that consumers will consume more and buy more. Investing in quality pieces that last years or a lifetime can cut down on environmental waste.
  • Choosing products that align with your values: Whether it's reducing your carbon footprint, supporting small farmers, or promoting social justice, choose products that align with your values and help create the world you want to live in.
  • Avoid "mindless consumption": buy things you truly love and believe in!

Remember, conscious consumerism doesn't happen overnight, it happens by adopting one practice at a time. Remind yourself that you're doing your best!

"Doing my best" spilled from a mug. A reminder that in conscious consumerism, we're just doing our best!
How Do We Support Conscious Consumerism at Evergreen Curated?

We reuse as much shipping material as we can. If we receive a box that's in good condition, we will reuse it to reduce waste. We also reuse any packing material we receive like paper, bubble wrap, inserts, etc. While we aim to not use any plastic while packing your order, we will reuse bubble wrap to give it a second life before being discarded. We also use compostable packing tape and shipping labels.

We consciously choose the brands and products we sell. We want you to shop the best of the best. We aim to keep our product line of the utmost quality, and on the smaller side. We also only sell glass and can products, no single-use plastic. Our goal isn't for you to purchase a multitude of things, but for you to purchase quality items that you truly enjoy that come from brands that we trust. We choose to stock some brands over other brands because of ingredients, morals, brand story, and a few other criteria. What makes you shop or not shop a brand? It can be empowering when you feel like you're supporting a company that you believe in. We're proud to be part of a growing movement of consumers who are choosing products that are good for us, good for the planet, and good for our communities.

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